

How to fix the problem that process.Exited handler will not execute

AHpx's Avatar 2021-08-27 dev

As the code below:

var path = @"xxx.exe";

var process = new Process
    StartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo
        FileName = path


If there’s a scenario that we need to detect if this process exited and execute handler, how would you like to implement it?

Let’s add a event handler for process.Exited event:

process.Exited += (_, _) =>
    Console.WriteLine($"`Process exit with code {process.ExitCode}`");

Run our application, and the question is: the code above didn’t work properly, when the process that we started to exit, the process.Exited event handler didn’t execute.

So you will check the Document, they say: It raises the Exited event when the process exits because the EnableRaisingEvents property was set when the process was created. The Exited event handler displays process information. So what if we set EnableRaisingEvents to true?

var process = new Process
    StartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo
        FileName = path
    EnableRaisingEvents = true

In the code above, we’ve set EnableRaisingEvents to true, but if we run the application again, the process.Exited event handler didn’t execute either, what we gonna do now?

If you care enough, you will find that when the executable file that we specified started success, our application end tho. On purpose to make our application won’t exit until the executable exited, we need to append the code below after the executable file started:


We just run the application again, the console output Process exit with code {process.ExitCode} is displayed successfully now.

Author : AHpx
This blog is under a CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 Unported License
Link to this article : https://sinoahpx.github.io/2021/08/27/How%20to%20fix%20the%20problem%20that%20process.Exited%20handler%20will%20not%20execute/

This article was last updated on days ago, and the information described in the article may have changed.